El sufijo -"ful"
Se puede añadir a sustantivos o a verbos para crear en ambos casos adjetivos.
– Beauty – Beautiful
– Success – Successful
– Pain – Painful
– Faith – Faithful
– Respect - Respecful
Hay otros que se forman de verbos, añadiendo -ful al verbo. Por ejemplo:
– Forget – Forgetful
– Help – Helpful
– Use – Useful
Hay distintas formas de hacer los adjetivos opuestos, una de ellas, por medio de prefijos. Aquí nos centramos en el prefijo -un. Veamos algunos adjetivos con sus ejemplos.
- Manageable vs unmanageable
Example: “You were exhibiting symptons of paranoia, claiming the doctors were conspiring against you. You kept trying to escape. You were becoming increasingly unmanageable”
(Example taken from a novel, Before I go to sleep, by S.J. Watson)
- Imagined vs unimagined
- Expected vs unexpected Example: Unimagined dreams and unexpected horrors.
- Thinkable vs unthinkable
- Bearable vs unbearable Example: the situation was unbearable (insoportable)